Dear Friend of the SP&S #700,

Montana Rockies Rail Tours and the Pacific Railroad Preservation Association would like to share some exciting news with you. This October, the historic Northern Pacific Route across Montana will host LIVE STEAM for the first time in nearly half a century. We invite you to come ride along on what promises to be the Steam Trip of the Decade across America's "Big Sky" Country aboard the fully restored "Montana Daylight" Passenger Train. As pictured, we'll be pulled by the historic Spokane, Portland, and Seattle #700 from Sandpoint, ID to Billings, MT Oct. 11-14 and then back again Oct 17-20. MRRT is pleased to offer PRPA members a 10% savings off all "Discovery" level seating for this historic rail trip. This is one of the only discounts currently being offered on this 4-day, 3-night 600 mile adventure across the Rocky Mtns. Brochures are available, call
